What is SAP Transport Management ?
It is a solution that optimizes freight, fleet and logistics management with the help of Smart Technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things) and Blockchain . This technology provides end-to-end visibility into the flow of merchandise in real time and will aid decision-making.
SAPTMS Features
Optimization of freight purchases with analysis, projections and advanced simulations
Synchronization of sales with the order schedule in real time.
Visualization of the planning of the cargo space of the vehicles.
Automation of freight documents and truck information.
Accurate freight cost allocation on orders.
Workforce and services management.
Flexible reporting for all areas of transportation.
Benefits of SAPTMS
Cash flow optimization
Accuracy in the preparation of costs and liquidation of materials.
Automatic generation of collections with audits and monitoring of extra charges.
Improve cost allocations.
Automation of transport operations and processes
Unified transportation platform.
Centralized data and rate management.
Programming of withdrawals, packaging and shipments.
Management of batches, serial numbers and weight.
Advanced Analytics
Faster and smarter business decisions.
Optimization and speed in obtaining information.
Data Difficulty Reduction
Video Demo:
SAP Transportation Management